



Devices in Category: Peristaltic Pump

FloPump 32mL Sterile FloPump 32mL Non-Sterile


FloPump 32mL Sterile and FloPump 32mL Non-Sterile by INTERNATIONAL BIOPHYSICS CORPORATION

Primary Use: The FloPump 32mL, available in both sterile and non-sterile formats, is a highly efficient peristaltic pump primarily employed in cardiac surgeries. Its main function is to reliably circulate blood and other fluids during these procedures, assisting surgeons by maintaining a stable surgical setting. It's especially crucial during an open-heart surgery where providing a steady flow of blood is vital.
Benefits: The FloPump 32mL range stands out with its compact design and easy-to-use interface that allows intuitive adjustments for surgeons during complex surgical procedures. This leads to shorter learning curves, lesser reliance on additional technical assistance and increased concentration on the surgery at hand.
The sterile FloPump 32mL, preferred for single-use applications, ensures patient safety by mitigating the risks of hospital-acquired infections. The non-sterile variant is a cost-effective choice for multiple-use scenarios where thorough sterilization methods are practiced.
In addition, both the sterile and non-sterile versions of the FloPump 32mL boast a precision-driven output with a pumping rate of up to 9.99 L/min. This guarantees a constant and controlled circulation of fluids. They are also compatible with any 1/4" or 3/8" ID tubing, further increasing their versatility in a range of surgical environments.

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