Status: In Stock

FloPump 32mL Sterile FloPump 32mL Non-Sterile

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FloPump 32mL Sterile and FloPump 32mL Non-Sterile by INTERNATIONAL BIOPHYSICS CORPORATION

Primary Use: The FloPump 32mL, available in both sterile and non-sterile formats, is a highly efficient peristaltic pump primarily employed in cardiac surgeries. Its main function is to reliably circulate blood and other fluids during these procedures, assisting surgeons by maintaining a stable surgical setting. It's especially crucial during an open-heart surgery where providing a steady flow of blood is vital.
Benefits: The FloPump 32mL range stands out with its compact design and easy-to-use interface that allows intuitive adjustments for surgeons during complex surgical procedures. This leads to shorter learning curves, lesser reliance on additional technical assistance and increased concentration on the surgery at hand.
The sterile FloPump 32mL, preferred for single-use applications, ensures patient safety by mitigating the risks of hospital-acquired infections. The non-sterile variant is a cost-effective choice for multiple-use scenarios where thorough sterilization methods are practiced.
In addition, both the sterile and non-sterile versions of the FloPump 32mL boast a precision-driven output with a pumping rate of up to 9.99 L/min. This guarantees a constant and controlled circulation of fluids. They are also compatible with any 1/4" or 3/8" ID tubing, further increasing their versatility in a range of surgical environments.

Primary Use:

Primary Medical Use of FloPump 32mL Sterile FloPump 32mL Non-Sterile

FloPump 32mL Sterile and FloPump 32mL Non-Sterile are designed with cutting-edge technological precision to help cardiologists elevate patient care. Positioned under the category of Heart Implants, these devices play a crucial role in saving and improving the lives of patients with critical heart conditions. The primary use of the FloPump 32mL, both Sterile and Non-Sterile, centres on facilitating blood circulation during heart surgeries and in some cases, for patients suffering from advanced heart failure. The FloPump 32mL functions as a ventricular assist device (VAD). It serves as a mechanical pump that supplements the pumping action of a weakened heart. Implantation of this device occurs inside or outside the patients' chest and it's connected to the heart to help pump oxygenated blood from the left ventricle into the aorta, and thereafter, to the rest of the body. Importantly, the device is predominantly used during open-heart surgeries when the heart is stopped momentarily. It ensures that the blood flow to the rest of the body is maintained at optimal levels, which is paramount to the preservation of function in critical organs, such as the brain and kidneys. Whether in its sterile or non-sterile iteration, the FloPump 32mL enhances circulatory support, ensuring patients undergoing heart surgery or with advanced heart failure, experience improved quality of life, and increased survival rates. To sum up, the FloPump 32mL Sterile and FloPump 32mL Non-Sterile provide a lifeline for patients with compromised hearts or those going through challenging heart surgeries. Implementing use of these devices in appropriate contexts translates into transformative outcomes, fostering not only survival, but also better life quality and course for patients.

How It Works:

The Mechanics of FloPump 32mL Sterile FloPump 32mL Non-Sterile

The FloPump 32mL is an advanced medical device designed for use in cardiothoracic surgeries, more specifically, as a critical component of heart-lung machines. Functionality:
The central responsibility of this widely recognized heart implant involves replicating the pumping mechanism of the heart, ensuring a continuous flow of oxygenated blood throughout the patient's body during surgical interventions.
FloPump 32mL leverages centrifugal force to move the blood, reducing the probability of hemolysis or damage to the blood components. It is built with quality materials to withstand the rigors of surgical settings and feature biocompatible and sterilized components to safeguard patient health.
Working Mechanism:
The mechanical action of the FloPump device mimics cardiac contractions and relaxations, thereby delivering physiological blood flow to the patient. Appropriately, it preserves both the structural integrity of the red cells and the aggregate of platelets and clotting factors, a factors that is critical in a surgical setting.
This device's functionality can be controlled and adjusted as required during the procedure, offering a high degree of flexibility. By maintaining the temperature regulation and meeting the metabolic demand, the FloPump device considerably reduces the patient's morbidity and has the potential to drastically improve postoperative outcomes.
In conclusion, the FloPump 32mL Sterile and Non-Sterile are invaluable components in the field of cardiothoracic surgery, facilitating life-saving procedures and ensuring patients receive the highest standard of care possible. It's an essential asset for any forward-thinking medical practice.



Status: In Stock

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