Status: In Stock

Geri Embryo Incubator and Geri Dish


Geri Embryo Incubator and Geri Dish

The Geri Embryo Incubator and Geri Dish are innovative medical devices designed and manufactured by Genea Biomedx Pty Ltd, providing an optimal environment for embryo growth and development.

The Geri Embryo Incubator primarily serves to create the ideal conditions for nurturing developing embryos. Promoting high embryo viability, it simulates physiological conditions found within a woman's body closely and continuously to ensure minimal disturbance of the embryos.

The Geri Dish complements the incubator, engineered uniquely to host six embryos. This design allows for individual embryo culture, enabling scientists to monitor and document the development of each embryo in a separate, controlled environment while reducing the risk of cross-contamination.

Working synergistically, the Geri Embryo Incubator and Geri Dish offer benefits that enhance the success rates and efficiency of invitro fertilization (IVF) procedures. These devices confer advantages that provide detailed data for decision-making, support personalized patient care, and simultaneously increase the capacity to handle several embryos, ultimately maximizing the chances of successful pregnancies.

Primary Use:

Geri Embryo Incubator and Geri Dish

Primary Medical Use
The Geri Embryo Incubator and Geri Dish are pivotal tools in the world of assisted reproductive technology. They are primarily used in in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) procedures. This involves egg retrieval from the female, which is then fertilized in the laboratory with the male sperm, and the resulting embryos are cultured in the Geri Embryo Incubator before transferring them back to the female's womb. Role in Embryo Development
The Geri Embryo Incubator provides the ideal environment for embryo culturing. It monitores key factors such as temperature, humidity, and gas concentrations, essentially imitating the conditions of the human body. This ensures the embryos develop safely and properly, leading to improved chances of successful implantation. Alongside this, the Geri Dish, with its unique compartments allows for individual cultivation of embryos in controlled and independent mini-incubation environment while under continuous imaging. Continuous Imaging and Monitoring
Among the distinctive features of these tools, the ability to conduct continuous time-lapse imaging of the embryos is particularly noteworthy. This prevents the need to remove the embryos from their controlled environment for regular manual observation, thereby minimizing potential disturbance to the embryos. This continual monitoring allows physicians and embryologists to identify most viable embryos for transfer, thereby increasing success rates. In conclusion, the Geri Embryo Incubator and Geri Dish offer high-tech, reliable and safe solutions for IVF procedures, making them highly sought-after tools in the realm of fertility treatment.

How It Works:

Overview of the Geri Embryo Incubator and Geri Dish

The Geri Embryo Incubator and Geri Dish represent a unique approach in the ambit of diagnostic tools. The primary goal of the device is to facilitate and optimize embryo development during in-vitro procedures by providing a stable and reliable environment.

How does the device work?

The Geri Incubator features six individually controlled chambers to house the Geri Dish, enabling simultaneous culture and incubation of multiple embryos, each in its isolated environment. Its unique design significantly lowers the risk of cross-contamination and enables a superior control of the surrounding environmental factors. The Geri Dish accommodates the embryos, designed with a series of small wells. Over the course of the incubation period, the embryos are moved through these wells. This controlled movement serves a dual purpose - it simulates the in vivo environment to which embryos are naturally accustomed and each well provides a fresh supply of medium, mimicking the natural migration of the embryo through the oviduct.

Technological Highlights

The Geri Incubator and Geri Dish use advanced Time-Lapse technology. By capturing frequent images of the developing embryos, we can monitor their progress without the need for removing them from the incubator. This technology enables practitioners to assess the progress of each individual embryo against set morphokinetic parameters, aiding in the embryo selection process. This combined approach allows for observing and nurturing embryos in an environment that closely mimics natural physiological conditions, all while maintaining the utmost level of control and sanitation, a testament to the sophistication of modern Assisted Reproductive Technology.


The Geri Embryo Incubator and Geri Dish stands as an exemplar in the field of Assisted Reproductive Technology. Its design encapsulates the necessity for stringent control over the incubation environment, while recognizing the importance of mimicry in creating optimal conditions for embryonic development. Incorporation of the advanced Time-Lapse technology permits an unprecedented level of observational detail, greatly assisting the selection process. With these features, the device provides a robust platform assisting many on their journey towards parenthood. Please note: The above details are based on the manufacturer's specification and could potentially vary based on differing operational standards among various laboratories. Always consult the device's instructional manual for precise operating procedures.


Genea Biomedx Pty Ltd

Status: In Stock

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