Status: In Stock


A Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) Related Image

(Not Necessarily related to the device)



WebPAX by HEART IMAGING TECHNOLOGIES LLC is a groundbreaking medical device that employs state-of-the-art technology to facilitate the effective storage, management, and efficient access of cardiac imaging studies. Pioneering in the realm of cardiovascular imaging, this unique tool enables healthcare providers to retrieve and analyze cardiac images anytime, anywhere.

This superior technology operates on a zero-footprint medical image viewer system, leveraging cloud technology in a secure and HIPAA-compliant manner. It integrates seamlessly with pre-existing Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) or can function independently, providing immense flexibility in handling, interpreting, and securely storing a vast volume of cardiac images.

The real essence of WebPAX lies in its ability to offer healthcare professionals an unfettered access to this data in real-time. This capability not only accelerates diagnostic processes but also enhances collaboration among specialists. Its compatibility with various formats of medical imaging studies, such as MRI, CT, PET, ultrasound, X-ray, and more, adds another layer of convenience, making it an indispensable tool in the healthcare setting.

Go beyond traditional image storage and diagnostic methods with WebPAX. This state-of-the-art digital solution represents a quantum leap forward in clinical efficiency and healthcare coordination. Offering cutting-edge technology alongside streamlined workflow processes, WebPAX is powering the future of cardiovascular care and diagnostics.

Primary Use:

The primary medical use of the device 'WebPAX' in the category 'Medical Imaging Software' is for the storage, access, and management of medical images and patient data. It allows for digital management and viewing of diagnostic images such as X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, and other types of radiological studies. WebPAX offers clinicians an effective tool for viewing patient imaging in real-time, enabling rapid diagnosis and treatment. The software also facilitates seamless sharing of medical images, which promotes collaboration

How It Works:

WebPAX is a highly innovative system falling under the umbrella of medical imaging software. This specific system is designed to acquire, store, distribute, and visualize medical images from various imaging technologies. At its core, WebPAX is a comprehensive PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System), which allows the healthcare industry to improve their services and manage medical images with impeccable efficiency. The workflow of WebPAX is sophisticated yet straightforward. It functions by aggregating images and associated data from different imaging sources such as X-ray, CT (Computed Tomography), MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), and Ultrasound. These images are initially transferred from the imaging device using standard protocols, primarily DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine), which ensures uniformity in the transmission and sharing of health-related imaging data. After the transfer, these images are stored and archived in a robust and secure database for future reference. The brilliance of WebPAX shines through its accessibility and distribution infrastructure. It allows images to be accessed from any geographical location at any time through a standard web browser. This makes it an indispensable tool for professionals who require immediate access to patient imaging data for better diagnostics and treatment planning. A key functionality that sets WebPAX apart is its ability to manipulate and visualize images. It offers tools for measuring, zooming, panning, adjusting brightness and contrast, and even advanced multiplanar reconstruction. These allow the radiologists and clinicians to better understand the medical condition of the patient, ensuring that they base their decisions in the context of precise and accurate data. Moreover, WebPAX seamlessly integrates with existing hospital workflow. It has a built-in RIS (Radiology Information System) interface, HL7 (Health Level Seven International) interface, and supports both structured and unstructured reporting. The system thus serves as the backbone for medical imaging information, streamlining the data flow within the hospital or clinic. In conclusion, WebPAX, an avant-garde medical imaging software, excels in acquiring, storing, distributing, and visualizing medical images online, producing a more efficient and optimized medical workflow. It's an amalgamation of target-specific tools and easy accessibility that makes this pioneering system an irreplaceable asset in the domain of medical imaging.



Status: In Stock

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