Status: In Stock


A Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT) Device Related Image

(Not Necessarily related to the device)



The HEART SYNC is a state-of-the-art medical device created by HEART SYNC INC. with the primary function of providing superior cardiac resynchronization. This innovative product promotes the simultaneous contraction of both ventricles of the heart, harmonizing and synchronizing the rhythm, which optimizes cardiac pumping efficiency and facilitates a healthier blood flow throughout the entire body.

Considered to be a revolutionary leap in cardiac therapy, HEART SYNC offers a multitude of benefits. It is applauded for its ability to significantly improve cardiac function, subsequently reducing symptoms of heart failure such as shortness of breath, reduced exercise capacity, and fluid retention. By resynchronising the heart's contraction, patients can experience an improved quality of life, driven by enhanced cardiac output, better kidney function, and the reduction of severe heart failure symptoms.

Working cohesively in line with the body's natural rhythms, the HEART SYNC functions as a bi-ventricular pacemaker. It sends precisely timed electrical impulses to the heart's lower chambers (the ventricles), encouraging them to contract simultaneously and improve the efficiency of the heart's function. The device is calibrated to adapt to the individual patient's heartbeat frequency, thus providing a tailor-made, synchronized cardiac rhythm for each individual user.

HEART SYNC is not only a testament to the stride in advancements in medical technology, but it's also a significant contributor to the field of cardiology and a catalyst in changing the lives of heart failure patients, opening a healthier, potentially more vibrant future for them.

Primary Use:

The primary medical use of the Heart Sync - a Cardiac Synchronization Device - is to coordinate the contractions between the chambers of the heart, more specifically between the left and right ventricles. This is done to improve the efficiency of the heart's function. These devices achieve synchronization by delivering electrical impulses via leads to the heart muscle. This paces the heart, ensuring the ventricles contract simultaneously, enhancing the smart pumping mechanism of a healthy heart thus improving blood flow throughout the patient's body

How It Works:

The HEART SYNC device falls under the category of 'Cardiac Synchronization Devices' (CSD) that are designed to help in the management of various heart conditions, particularly Heart Failure. These devices operate on the principle of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT), also known as biventricular pacing. CRT helps manage the timing of contractions between the heart's lower chambers, the left and right ventricles, to enhance the heart's efficiency. While the specific operational details for HEART SYNC aren't explicitly defined, the working of a typical CRT device could provide substantial insight. The conventional CRT device composes of a small, implantable pulse generator and three leads (thin, insulated wires) attached to the heart. The first lead is connected to the right atrium, the second to the right ventricle, and the third lead goes to the left ventricle through the coronary sinus. The pulse generator, often referred to as the "pacemaker," stores information about pacing and heart rhythms and generates the necessary electrical signals. In patients experiencing heart failure, the electrical signals that coordinate the heart’s contractions often become delayed. This delay primarily targets the left ventricle, thus forcing parts of the ventricle to work harder than necessary, leading to inefficient heart function. With CRT, the delays can be effectively managed, ensuring that the right and left ventricles contract simultaneously. This co-ordinated mechanism enhances blood circulation, symptomatically reducing fatigue and shortness of breath, while improving the patient's overall life quality. The patient's pacing requirements are continuously monitored by the device, dynamically adjusting the pace rate in response to changes in the heart's demand, such as during rest, physical activity, or stress. Despite this, while the CRT device alleviates the symptoms and reduces hospitalization, it is not a cure for heart failure. It is part of a comprehensive heart failure treatment plan that includes medication, dietary changes, exercise, and in certain situations, surgery. Indeed, Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy devices such as the HEART SYNC can significantly improve a patient's quality of life, providing an enhanced level of autonomous activity for people suffering from specific types of heart failure.



Status: In Stock

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