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xevonta dialyzer

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Xevonta Dialyzer by B. Braun Avitum AG

The Xevonta Dialyzer is a high-flux, biocompatible dialyzer from German healthcare brand B. Braun Avitum AG. It's designed to efficiently and effectively cleanse the blood of toxins, waste, and excess fluid in patients with renal (kidney) failure. It finds primary use in hemodialysis, hemodiafiltration, and hemofiltration treatments.

One of the main benefits of the Xevonta Dialyzer is its advanced membrane technology. Made from polyethersulfone (PES), it achieves a high level of biocompatibility, thereby reducing the risk of negative patient reactions. On top of this, the Xevonta Dialyzer offers exceptional convective and diffusive clearance, ensuring that toxins, waste, and excess fluid are effectively removed from the blood.

Moreover, the product's unique design optimizes blood flow and dialysate flow, which together allow for better toxin removal and improved patient comfort. The Xevonta Dialyzer is offered in a variety of sizes, suiting a wide range of patient needs and dialysis modalities.

In summary, the Xevonta Dialyzer is a next-generation medical device that offers reliable, efficient dialysis treatment with an emphasis on patient comfort and safety. It embodies B. Braun Avitum AG's commitment to innovation and care in the field of medical technology.

Primary Use:

Primary Medical Use of Xevonta Dialyzer

The Xevonta Dialyzer is a vital piece of equipment for any medical practice involved in the provision of renal therapy. The device's primary medical application lies in the sphere of dialysis treatment for patients suffering from end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or chronic kidney disease (CKD).
The Xevonta Dialyzer's primary role is to function as an artificial kidney. This critical device facilitates the process of hemodialysis, effectively removing waste products such as urea, creatinine, and free water from the blood when the kidneys are in a state of failure or significant impairment.
Using the principles of diffusion and ultrafiltration, the Xevonta Dialyzer effectively carries out these necessary purifying actions. It allows for the safe and efficient transfer of solutes and fluids across a semi-permeable membrane, mimicking the natural filtration process that a healthy kidney performs.
Understanding the fundamentals of dialyzer functionality and selection is crucial for optimizing patient outcomes in dialysis. In the hands of a skilled practitioner, the Xevonta Dialyzer serves as a reliable, efficient device that offers an improved quality of life to patients with kidney impairments. As such, it’s an invaluable addition to any practice providing renal care services.

How It Works:

Understanding the Xevonta Dialyzer

Xevonta Dialyzer, a prominent device in the arena of renal replacement therapy, utilizes advanced polysulfone membrane technology to create an exemplary biocompatible and permeable interface for blood purification[1]. Dialysis, a critical therapeutic process, involves the removal of excess fluids and solutes from the blood. This, in fact, mimics the functions of the kidney when they are unable to perform due to acute or chronic kidney disease.

Functioning of Xevonta Dialyzer

Xevonta Dialyzer operates on the principles of three integral mechanisms, succinctly assisting in cleaning the patient's blood - 1. Difussion: Moves solutes from area of high concentration (blood) to low concentration (dialysis fluid).
2. Ultrafiltration: Provoked by a hydrostatic pressure gradient, moves excess fluid from the blood to the dialysis fluid.
3. Convection: Enables removal of larger waste particles through a solute drag mechanism.

Key Features

The Xevonta Dialyzer stands apart for a collection of significant attributes – - High biocompatibility: Low activation of complement and cellular components, reducing the risk of inflammation and allergic reactions that could compromise the procedure or patient safety.
- Excellent sieving profile: High flux dialyzers facilitate efficient removal of medium to large sized uremic toxins.
- Optimum blood and dialysis fluid flow: The inventive design promotes homogeneous dialysate flow and reduces stagnation, ensuring optimal clearance. Xevonta Dialyzer, thus, presents an ideal solution to effectively filtrate the blood in patients requiring dialysis. Its use contributes to a significant improvement in the patient's quality of life, enabling them to lead a more active, healthier life despite renal constraints. [1] Polysulfone Membrane Technology embodies characteristics such as high hydrophilicity and low protein binding, optimizing removal of waste metabolites and toxins while maintaining crucial proteins, affecting an efficient and tolerable dialysis session.


B. Braun Avitum AG

Status: In Stock

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