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The BRAIN HEART INFUS AGAR SLANT W/10% SHEEP BLOOD C&C from LAKEWOOD BIOCHEMICAL CO. INC. is a prominent tool in the field of medical microbiology, frequently used for the isolation and cultivation of various types of micro-organisms, including both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. It includes a highly nutritious blend of brain heart infusion and 10% defibrinated sheep blood, creating an optimal growing environment for fastidious organisms.

Providing a rich range of resources, this agar medium significantly enhances bacteria growth, supporting comprehensive laboratory testing, and results. The product is widely recognized for its reliability, including maintaining the viability of organisms during transportation. Rigorous quality control measures ensure the consistency of formulation and superior performance.

Leveraging this device can yield more accurate and faster results, leading to a higher level of disease diagnosis and treatment efficacy. It is a critical contributor in successful patient outcomes and improvements in public health.

Primary Use:

The Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) Agar Slant with 10% Sheep Blood C&C is a crucial piece of equipment used in clinical microbiology laboratories. Its primary medical use is to serve as a growth medium for various types of microorganisms, particularly those found in clinical specimens such as Streptococci, Neisseria, and fastidious organisms. This effective medium enhances the growth of the organisms, enabling comprehensive study and analysis. Moreover, by having sheep's blood, it promotes hemolytic reactions which allows for the differentiation between microbial species. This results in more accurate diagnostic procedures, optimal patient care, and improved overall health outcomes.

How It Works:

Introduction to Brain Heart Infusion Agar Slant with 10% Sheep Blood (BHI Agar Slant)

Brain Heart Infusion Agar Slant with 10% Sheep Blood, abbreviated as BHI Agar Slant, is an enriched, general-purpose medium that's crucial in isolating, cultivating, and identifying fastidious microorganisms. Its use is prevalent in the field of clinical microbiology.

Composition of BHI Agar Slant

The BHI Agar Slant comprises several essential ingredients including brain heart infusion, digests of meat, sodium chloride, agar, and sheep's blood. The combination of these components, particularly sheep's blood, enhances the growth of many types of pathogenic bacteria. Brain Heart Infusion: This provides amino acids, vitamins, carbohydrates, and growth factors necessary for bacterial growth.
Digests of meat: These provide a source of amino acids and complex nutrients.
Sodium Chloride: This maintains the osmotic equilibrium.
Agar: This serves as the solidifying agent.
Sheep's Blood: This is enriched with nutrients that foster the growth and survival of a wide array of microbes.

Working of BHI Agar Slant

The BHI Agar Slant is used for the cultivation of a large variety of fastidious organisms. A sample, which could come from a patient, is streaked across the medium's surface and incubated. During this time, bacteria reproduce and form colonies. Incubation typically lasts 24-48 hours, but this can vary depending on the specific microbe. The medium’s nutrients allow microorganisms to grow while the agar provides a solid surface for colony development. The growth of these colonies on the agar surface allows medical professionals to estimate the number of organisms in the original sample. Further analysis, such as the examination of colony shapes and colors, ability to hemolyze blood, Gram-staining characteristics, and specific biochemical tests, can help identify the type of bacterium growing on the agar. The addition of 10% sheep's blood is crucial for the detection of haemolytic (red blood cell destroying) bacteria. This is a vital test, as several pathogenic bacteria exhibit haemolytic activity. By observing the haemolysis pattern on the agar, we can gain further hints about the identity of the growing bacteria. For instance, Streptococcus pyogenes creates a clear ring of haemolysis, known as beta-haemolysis, while Streptococcus pneumoniae leads to greenish discoloration, known as alpha-haemolysis. In clinical microbiology, BHI Agar Slant plays a critical role in diagnostics, treatment, and the understanding of bacterial infectious diseases.



Status: In Stock

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