Status: In Stock

Foley Balloon Catheter for Urology


Foley Balloon Catheter for Urology by Apollon Co. Ltd.

The Foley Balloon Catheter produced by Apollon Co. Ltd. is a high-caliber medical device designed primarily for use in the field of Urology. Specially crafted for its purpose, it has become an indispensable tool for medical professionals across the globe.

Skilfully designed, these catheters are utilized to drain the bladder of urine, acting as a hands-free solution that helps prevent urinary tract infections. Their inherent design of a thin, sterilized tube with a small inflatable balloon attached to one end enables a secure placement within the bladder, with the balloon functioning as a lock to prevent the catheter's inadvertent removal.

Serving as an integral component of patient care, the Foley Balloon Catheter presents an array of benefits, including but not limited to, improved patient comfort, enhanced care quality, and the potential reduction of catheter-associated complications.

A trademark of its manufacturer, Apollon Co. Ltd., is their commitment to quality assurance and innovation. The Foley Balloon Catheter, as an example, displays their relentless pursuit of optimizing patient outcomes in the practice of Urology.

Primary Use:

Introduction to Foley Balloon Catheter for Urology

The Foley Balloon Catheter for Urology is a critical device in medical practice, extensively used in the sphere of urology. This piece of equipment belongs to the category of 'Diagnosti

How It Works:

The Functionality of a Foley Balloon Catheter for Urology

A Foley Balloon Catheter, often used in urology, is a state-of-the-art piece of equipment. It holds a critical role in medical procedures focused on the urinary system by allowing healthcare professionals to easily access and navigate the bladder.

Understanding the Device

A Foley Balloon Catheter is a catheter that has been manufactured with two separate channels, or lumens, running along its length. One of these channels is connected to an inflatable balloon near the tip of the catheter, which when inflated, allows the catheter to stay in place within the bladder without slipping out. The second channel is for draining urine out of the bladder. Device Operation The Foley Catheter's usage involves inserting the catheter tip into the bladder through the urethra. Once correctly positioned inside the bladder, the balloon near the device’s tip can be inflated with sterile water, allowing the catheter to anchor securely into position. The introduction of the catheter is aseptic, and the balloon must be deflated before the catheter is withdrawn. This design lets health professionals effectively drain urine, administer medication, or conduct a diagnosis procedure with minimal disturbance to the patient.

Essential Device for Urological Applications

The Foley Balloon Catheter optimizes patient care in various situations. They are the go-to equipment for cases involving urinary retention and those needing accurate urine output monitoring, such as post-operative patients or seriously ill individuals. Furthermore, certain modifications to Foley Balloon Catheters can transform this device into a versatile therapeutic tool. For instance, it can be used in patients needing vesicoureteral reflux treatments or for delivering localized drug therapy directly on the bladder wall.

Maintaining Patient Comfort

Importantly, Foley Balloon Catheters have been designed with patient comfort in mind. The balloon provides a low-pressure seal against the bladder walls that reduces the chances of urethral trauma or bladder spasm. It is crucial to remind the reader here that the insertion and management of a Foley Balloon Catheter requires technical proficiency, and should only be carried out by trained healthcare professionals to ensure patient safety. Finally, Foley Balloon Catheters present a valuable combination of functionality, versatility, and safety, truly marking them as essential components in the arsenal of urological diagnostic and treatment tools.


Apollon co. Ltd.

Status: In Stock

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