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A Clinical Microbiology Related Image

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The Brain Heart Infusion Broth manufactured by BIO MERIEUX INC. is a superbly crafted clinical microbiology solution integral to numerous diagnostic procedures. The product serves as a highly nourishing medium that encourages the growth and development of a wide spectrum of microorganisms, encompassing both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, fungi, and even fastidious organisms which are notoriously difficult to cultivate.

The primary function of this medium is to provide a nutritive environment that supports microbial growth, thereby borrowing its superiority from its unique blend of brain and heart infusion solubles, glucose, and sodium chloride. What makes this broth exceptional is its design and utility in the clinical laboratory setting that facilitates the isolation and cultivation of a diverse array of pathogenic and nonpathogenic organisms. The Brain Heart Infusion Broth thus aids in the swift diagnosis and treatment of various infectious diseases, immensely contributing to the healthcare sector.

The Brain Heart Infusion Broth is of paramount importance, especially in the realm of clinical microbiology and infectious disease diagnostics, owing to its compatibility with numerous testing protocols and its capacity to deliver consistent and reliable results. Channeling the expertise of BIO MERIEUX INC., this device ensures optimal and uncompromised microbial growth, pushing the boundaries in the pursuit of global health and wellness.

Primary Use:

Brain Heart Infusion Broth, a key item within the range of microbiology laboratory supplies, serves a crucial purpose—it works to cultivate a vast variety of microorganisms. Its primary medical use is to function as a growth medium, making it an essential asset in clinical diagnostics and medical microbiology for cultivating both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, fungi, and even fastidious organisms. The Brain Heart Infusion Broth's rich and complex formula comprises nutrients from sources like brain and heart tissues - elements that foster rapid organism growth. With such nutritional elements, it can facilitate the cultivation and isolation of many pathogenic bacteria and fungi involved in various infectious diseases. This makes it a vital contributing factor in the identification and su

How It Works:

What is Brain Heart Infusion Broth?

Brain Heart Infusion Broth, commonly referred to as BHI, is a nutritious, general-purpose liquid medium used in microbiology laboratories to cultivate a variety of fastidious and non-fastidious microorganisms (including bacteria, yeasts, and fungi). The main ingredients in this broth are infusion from both cattle brains and hearts, which provide a robust source of amino acids and peptides.

The Principle of Brain Heart Infusion Broth

The working principle behind Brain Heart Infusion Broth is providing a rich environment for the proliferation of microorganisms. The brain and heart infusions provide nutrients such as glucose, salts (which maintain the optimal pH balance), and water-soluble substances essential for growth. This allows for indigenious bacteria and fungi to multiply quickly, reaching a sufficient volume for subsequent analyses.

The Process: Preparation and Incubation

When preparing the Brain Heart Infusion Broth, the powder is mixed with distilled water and subjected to autoclaving, a method of heat sterilization that will kill any pre-existing organisms while ensuring the proper dissolution of the medium's components. The final solution is distributed into culture tubes or flasks, preferably in small volumes to maximize the surface area for aeration. After inoculation with the sample - for instance, patient tissues, environmental samples, or isolated colonies - the culture is incubated. Often, this occurs at 37 degrees Celsius (which is the body temperature of humans and many animals) for 24 to 48 hours, promoting optimal bacterial growth.

The Outcome: Identification and Diagnosis

The grown cultures in the Brain Heart Infusion Broth can then be analyzed by different methodologies. These include Gram staining for bacterial classification, observation under a microscope for morphological features, or sub-culturing for further identification tests. This broth is a crucial tool in medical microbiology, allowing for the cultivation and identification of causative agents behind a host of diseases. The fast and substantial growth it supports can expedite diagnoses and provide valuable indications for treatment strategy.



Status: In Stock

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