Status: In Stock

Persyst 14 EEG Review and Analysis Software


Persyst 14 EEG Review and Analysis Software

Developed by Persyst Development Corporation, Persyst 14 EEG Review and Analysis Software is an essential tool in modern healthcare. This advanced software is primarily used for the review, analysis, and interpretation of electroencephalography (EEG) data, helping to provide insights into brain function.
Within the field of neurology, the Persyst 14 Software offers significant benefits. It can streamline and simplify the process of reviewing complex EEG data, improving efficiency, and enabling healthcare providers to make robust, data-informed decisions regarding patient care. As a part of an epilepsy monitoring regimen, this software allows for advanced seizure detection analytics, supporting clinicians in making accurate diagnosis and treatment plans.
Furthermore, this software can be integrated with an existing EEG system in a clinical or hospital setting, providing a highly versatile solution that can adapt to the specific needs of individual practices. It also does not require any specialized hardware to run, hence providing a cost-effective solution.
Persyst 14 EEG Review and Analysis Software also has a clear and friendly interface, facilitating straightforward use of its comprehensive features. This allows healthcare professionals, regardless of their technical expertise, to utilize the software, helping promote more consistent, reliable, and high-quality patient care across healthcare systems.

Primary Use:

Persyst 14 EEG Review and Analysis Software

Primary Use
The Persyst 14 EEG Review and Analysis Software is an electronic medical device primarily used for the effective review and analysis of electroencephalography (EEG) data. Role in Clinical Settings
In a clinical setting, it provides medical professionals the capability to monitor and interpret the electrical activity within a patient’s brain. It serves as an indispensable tool in the diagnosis and management of neurological conditions such as epilepsy, sleep disorders, stroke, and other cognitive impairments. Key Features and Functionality
The device allows seamless integration with a connected EEG system, ensuring that the clinical staff can review, analyze, and report EEG information in a time-effective manner. Essential features include trend analysis, artifact reduction, and seizure detection among others. Remember, effective usage of this software requires proficiency in EEG interpretation. As such, it's intended to be used by neurologists or healthcare practitioners with appropriate training in neurophysiology. With the Persyst 14 EEG Review and Analysis Software's advanced capabilities, clinicians can enhance their diagnostic abilities and improve patient outcomes within their practice.

How It Works:

Persyst 14 EEG Review and Analysis Software

In the expanding field of medicine and healthcare, maintaining efficient and effective care is of paramount importance. The advent of new technologies in medical diagnostics has played a crucial role in enhancing patient care, with one such example being the Persyst 14 EEG Review and Analysis Software.

The sophisticated functions of this software are geared towards the valuable service of analyzing and evaluating EEG (Electroencephalogram) data. EEG is an essential medical procedure used in assessing the electrical activity within the brain. The Persyst 14 software augments the interpretation of these complex procedures.


The Persyst 14 EEG Review and Analysis Software works by processing raw EEG data from different EEG systems and distills it into a more interpretable form for medical professionals. The software enables doctors to view visual EEG data, cross-reference it with patient history, and accurately diagnose and predict neurological disorders.

Key Features

The exclusive features of Persyst 14 include artifact suppression, seizure detection, and a trend analysis feature. The artifact suppression effectively eliminates unwanted signal disturbances, while the seizure detection algorithm provides reliable information about potential epileptic activity in the brain.


Integrative and advanced EHR Systems such as the Persyst 14 EEG Review and Analysis Software have a profound implication on healthcare delivery. Its ability to simplify and accelerate the interpretation of EEG data significantly eases clinicians' workflows, facilitating improved patient outcomes in neurological care.


Persyst Development Corporation

Status: In Stock

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